
General Information

Crafting is a core ecosystem mechanic that combines elements of gameplay and exchange. During crafting, players can trade resources for NFTs (non-fungible tokens) of a specific rarity.

NFT Rarity

  • Rarity is determined by a formula that takes into account the amount of resources used and other factors.

  • The more resources used, the higher the chance of obtaining a rarer NFT.

Players can also use existing NFTs in the crafting process. These NFTs are burned, increasing the chances of creating a higher-rarity NFT. The more NFTs used, and the rarer they are, the greater the likelihood of obtaining a rare token.

The functional specifications define the pool of NFTs available for crafting.

Crafting Slots

Crafting involves two slots:

  1. Extruder

  2. Synthesis Block

NFTs placed in these slots enhance the chances of obtaining rarer NFTs. However, using these slots reduces the current value of the miner, impacting the player’s overall yield, including resources and other miners.

To initiate crafting, the user must have at least one Pixel Dust. Each crafting attempt costs one Pixel.

Pixel Dust Box

The Pixel Dust Box is a chest containing NFTs with a specified number of resources.

  • Players can create Pixel Dust Boxes through the crafting process.

  • Each NFT in the Pixel Dust Box can have one of the following denominations:

    • 10

    • 50

    • 100

When a Pixel Dust Box is created, an amount of resources equal to the NFT denomination is deducted from the user’s wallet. Additionally, the user must pay a fee in Pixel tokens, along with the standard transaction fee. The fee amount is calculated using a formula.

When an NFT from the Pixel Dust Box is used, it is burned, and the user receives resources equivalent to its denomination.

Creation Algorithm

  1. Access the crafting menu.

  2. Select a resource denomination for the NFT that will be created in the Pixel Dust Box.

    • If resources are insufficient, the user is notified of the required amount for the selected denomination.

    • If resources are sufficient, the user is informed about the Pixel token fee for creating the Pixel Dust Box with the chosen denomination.

  3. If there are insufficient Pixel tokens, the user is notified of the shortfall.

  4. Once the Pixel Dust Box is created, it becomes available in the inventory for review.

Usage Algorithm

  1. Access the inventory.

  2. Open the NFT with the resource denomination.

  3. Right-click (RMB) to open the NFT’s context menu.

  4. Click “Confirm.”

  5. The NFT is burned, and the user receives resources equivalent to the NFT’s denomination.

Last updated

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