Pixel Miner v.0.4.0


  • Drill balance recalculated.

  • Storage balance recalculated.

  • Added Referral storage, where income from referrals is collected.


  • Increased drill mining.

  • Increased capacity of the regular and referral storage.

  • Reducing the cost of improving the drill

  • Decrease the cost of improving the warehouse

  • Decrease the cost of improving referral warehouses.

  • Increased chance of NFT mining.

NFT Factory:

  • Added NFT Factory (the ability to create NFTs and get bonuses to your farm).

  • Added 5 NFT rarities.

  • NFT can be obtained from all types of chests.

  • Possibility to loot NFT through in-game activities.


  • Added inventory for storing NFTs with 4 slots "pockets", "belt pouch" and "backpack".

  • Item slots can be opened for SGB's or PXL's.

Loot Boxes:

  • Different types of chests have been added.

  • Box for Stress Test.

  • Free box for 7-day activity (available in the next mini-update).

  • Box for PXL's.

  • Box for SGB's.

  • Chances of mining each box are different.


  • Upgraded smart contracts.

  • Mechanics for future expansion of game modules are implemented.

  • Implemented optimization.

  • The architecture for mining NFTs in a playable way is implemented.

  • Architecture for reducing the amount of PXL's (Burn Era's) token burn after it is used.

  • Architecture for crafting has been laid down.

  • The architecture for mining multiple tokens has been laid down.

  • The mechanics for further syndicate creation are laid down

Last updated