AI multipool farm analyst

Multipool Security

Multipool security

Our multipool is supported and analyzed by Pixel neural network (Artificial intelligence) to protect your investment:

A. Calculation of the Risk of One Liquidity Pool:

  1. Calculation of Average TVL: — Maximum TVL at peak: $324 billion. — Current TVL: $120 billion. — Average TVL = (324 billion + 120 billion) / 2 = 222 billion dollars.

  2. Formula for calculating the Average Risk per Pool: — Average risk per pool = (7.64 / 222) * 100% ≈ 3.44%

B. Calculation of Risk Reduction for the Client during Diversification in the Stable Pool:

  1. Stable Pool profitability: — Annual return: 25%. — Monthly return: 25% / 12 ≈ 2.08%.

  2. Risk Scenario: — Risk per pool: 3.44%. — When diversifying into 150 pools, the maximum amount of funds in a single one is 2% of the total portfolio.

  3. Risk Reduction Calculation: — Probability of loss in one pool: 3.44%. — Potential loss in one pool: 2% * 3.44% = 0.0688% of the total portfolio.


— Diversification into 150 pools significantly reduces the risk for the investor. In case of unfortunate events in one pool, the maximum loss will be only 0.0688% of the total portfolio. It will significantly reduce the potential loss compared to investing all funds in one pool.

🔗 Initial Data:

— Losses of funds in DeFi: [DeFiLlama Hacks]

Last updated